A women's college is a place for a young woman to find her sun.
Preserve her choice.
Give to The Sunflower Initiative.
“The empowering environment at a women’s college will help cultivate my will to do meaningful work, to be a leader, to be confident and resolute in my beliefs.”
– Alena Rooney, 2020 Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship,
plans to attend Smith College after 2020-21 gap year

Funding for The Sunflower Initiative provides vital resources for our scholars – current and future – and continues to advance women’s education in a very personal and tangible way. As an all-volunteer organization, your contribution directly supports our well-qualified women who want to attend a women’s college.
Many of our donors are passionate about their women’s college experience even though their institution is closed or is now co-educational. The Sunflower Initiative provides these alumnae a way to honor that experience and preserve the choice of a single-sex education for future generations.
There are several ways for you to help a young woman find her voice, speak her mind and tell the world.
Support financially
Our talented and deserving future scholars need your support. Scholarships are renewable based on academic performance for $10,000 each year for four years of undergraduate education. Our scholarship often helps close the financial “gap” between the financial aid offered by a College and merit-based scholarships and the amount a student can afford to attend college.
Donors may direct their contributions to the annual fund that finances TSI’s expenses and scholarships or to the endowment fund which has been established to ensure our mission will be sustained for the future.
The Sunflower Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN: #27-1428254.
Get involved
Join our network of accomplished women and make a difference in the life of a young woman. Many of our scholars have been inspired by engaging with other women and fellow alumnae. As a mentor, you can guide and connect them to resources to reach for the sun and make a difference in today’s society and strive for global change. You can serve as a role model during their educational experience, and help to guide their career success and personal fulfillment after graduation.